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Matt Cutts, Google SEO Tips Videos

Tuesday, 01 August 2006

Matt Cutts head of the Google anti-spam team, has put together a great set of videos answering questions asked by his loyal army of blog readers.  Worth checking out for a quick grounding in points to consider.

Access them on Google Video below:

Matts Disclaimer

Session 1:
- Sitemaps updates
- Top SEO mistakes
- Snippets (see my post here about Google descriptions from last year for more detail)
- Bold vs Strong

Session 2:
- Including some SEO Myths
- Multiple sites
- Large sites multi-country
- Google image search

Session 3:
- Should you Optimize for Search Engines or for Users?
- Code cleanliness

Session 4:
- Static vs. Dynamic urls: does PageRank flow the same to both? What pitfalls should I avoid with dynamic urls?
- Can Sitemaps alert webmasters when their site has been hacked?
- Can I do geotargetting within Google’s Quality Guidelines?

(I disagree with his comments regarding crawling global sites and IP redirects, as the crawler IP's don't correctly match their index geographies, something Google need to address)

Session 5: (and I change the background to look less kidnapped!)
- Merging acquired domains with 301s?
- How to create a site architecture with themes and keywords?
- My urls have too many parameters–can I serve up static HTML to Googlebot instead?
- How to do split A/B testing

Session 6: All about Supplemental Results
- Should I worry about results estimates
- Why do 301s take so long to be reflected in supplemental results?
- I started appearing in the supplemental results in May–should I be worried

Updates added 04/08/06

Session 7
- Does Google Analytics play a part in SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages)?
- When does Google detect duplicate content, and how wide is the range?
-SafeSearch–what do you recommend?
- Is it okay to make hyperlinks in option elements?

(notice how Matt steers round the Google Analytics question by saying the web spam team doesn't use it, but doesn't give a definite answer for anyone else. As the Google Toolbar also tells them what websites you visit and when, analytics probably does have a strong role to play in rankings.)

Session 8: Google Terminology
- What’s the difference between an index update, an algorithm update, and a data refresh?
- Definitions in terms of June/July 27th

Session 9: All about datacenters
- Can you tell us a little bit about Google datacenters?
- Should all datacenters on the same Class C block be roughly the same?

Session 10: Lightning Round!
- Is it possible to search just for home pages?
- News Flash: you can use strong and em instead of bold (b) and italics (i) !
- Will we ever see kitty posts again?
- What are Google SSD, Google RS2, and all those other things Tony Ruscoe found?
- Does Google rank blog sites any differently than regular websites?
- Does Google treat links with the same weight as regular .gov links?

Session 11: Reinclusion requests
- How do I do a reinclusion request?
- What should I put into a reinclusion request?
- What does Google need to know before it reincludes a site in its index?

Session 12: Tips for Search Engine Strategies (SES) San Jose 2006
- What tips and tricks do you recommend for Search Engine Strategies (SES) San Jose?
- What sessions do you definitely plan to attend?

Session 13: Google Webmaster Tools provides tools to
- tell Google that and are the same
- test out robots.txt files
- discover crawl errors that Googlebot saw
- see some spam penalties


thanks for the tips it helps me a lot..

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