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Hidden Links on Financial Times website

Monday, 13 June 2005

Using 'hidden links' is one of the oldest methods of search engine spam so you wouldn't expect to see them on a respected news site like the Financial Times online, ( describes itself as "the world's leading audited business website, with more than 3.7 million unique users".  Read more on Ken McGaffins Linking Matters.



I think they've now removed the offending links, but it would be good to hear the excuses as to why they did it (and whether, who they were linking to, knew about it, which I presume they must have). It'd also be interesting to know how long the links had been there.



Hear is a qoute from the UK Net Markekting mailing list posted by Sean Dillon of the Telegraph Group, in reponse to Ken Mcgaffins article. I kind of agree with him that it could always be put down to a coding error:

The old, or as you put it 'offending' link's style/class was called 'allWhiteNU', wheras the normal visible style/class was called 'allWide'.

Chris Osborne quote
"Early this evening, I had a phone call from Chris Osborne, head of business development at who stated very clearly that the Financial Times aren't interested in doing anything underhand with the search engines. He said that all the hidden links on the
site had now been changed to visible links pointing to with whom has an ongoing business relationship."

Link Building Service

This is a great list and a must read for someone breaking into the industry. Thank you for the resources.
Because of the nature of link building, it would be more beneficial for you if your link is placed in a website where a huge traffic is generated daily. A huge traffic translates to an increased possibility that a person browsing from that web page will link to yours. Thus, it is best if you can link build towards a large website with a large volume of traffic. One drawback to this is that, since the website is already established and enjoys a lot of online prestige, there is a possibility that they would ask for a fee in exchange for putting up a link to your site.

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